About US – FAQ
We have put together a small FAQ which answers the most common questions we get. If your question is not answered here please feel free to Contact Us. This page has the answers to the questions we are most frequently asked related to Leicestershire & Rutland Blood Bikes
What is Leicestershire and Rutland Blood Bikes (LRBB)?
Leicestershire & Rutland Blood Bikes is a charitable based organisation aiming to transport blood, plasma, platelets, samples, vaccines and other urgently required medical items for our hospitals – every night, and at weekends and bank holidays. Our team are all volunteers and the service we offer to our hospitals is free of charge to them. We are based on the successful blood bike model and are part of NABB; National Association of Blood Bikes.
Why does LRBB use motorbikes rather than cars?
We are a group with an interest in motorcycles and we consider motorcycles are cost effective to operate and can progress through traffic efficiently in the support of our aims.
We also operate two vans for use in winter weather, at fundraising events and for non motorcyclists in the group.
Do I use my own bike? What sort of motorcycles do you use?
As a Leicestershire and Rutland Blood Bike (LRBB) volunteer you won’t use your own bike. As a group we need to ensure riders have up to date and safe motorcycles and by using a group bike it is easier for us to ensure fully serviced and safe bikes presenting a “professional” image to the public.
We’re currently have three bikes in the group
(1) Yamaha FJR1300
(2) BMW 1200RT
(3) BMW F800GT
Our bikes have full high visibility markings in order to ensure they can be easily identified as ‘Blood Bikes’ and to help our riders be seen and stay safe.
Our bikes / riders will not use blue lights or sirens when carrying our collections or deliveries
Where are the bikes kept?
We are extremely grateful for the support we have from the East Midlands Ambulance Service and Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service for allowing us to locate our fleet in secure sites across the county.
What areas do you cover?
We cover the whole of Leicestershire and Rutland, supporting the regions NHS hospitals. We also support our Air Ambulance and the Birmingham Womens Hospital in the collection and transfer of donated breast milk, for use with premature babies.
Are there any qualifications required to be a rider volunteer?
We follow the guidelines of the Nationwide Association of Blood Bikes.
All our riders need to have an advanced motorcycle qualification achieved in the last 3 years. example IAM, RoSPA or emergency service equivalent. If you’re not an advanced rider or your advanced qualification was achieved more than 3 years ago please still get in touch as we will be able to use your skills while putting you in touch with the right place so you can update your test pass.
In addition to a formal advanced test, we expect riders to be competent at handling and riding a “large” motorcycle. It is difficult to define large, but as our group bikes are currently over 1,000cc in capacity then our riders need to demonstrate a competence to handle and ride a motorcycles of this size and weight.
If you do not have personal experience of riding larger motorcycles it is unlikely you will be able to be a rider with us
At some point in the future we hope our bike fleet will include a motorcycle of slightly smaller size and weight which will enable some of the smaller riders, or those not experienced with 1,200+ cc motorcycles, to be able to ride with us.
Do volunteers have to pay a supporter fee?
We charge an annual £12 supporter fee which covers things like group polo shirt and ‘high viz’ jacket when needed and helping pay for our web pages.
Do the riders have to have training other than an enhanced rider qualification?
Our teams will have internal training to suit the role they take in the group. Training is completed in an informal environment in the group and helps our members undertake riding, controlling or fundraising in line with the expection of the group and our stakeholders at the hosptials or elsewhere.
Training covers aspects of the paperwork we need to complete, where to go if riding, what to do in the event of a problem and the like.
Our plan is to ensure that no group member is not sure what they need to do and how they need to do it.
Our aim is to try and have a group culture that no question is even considered a “silly” question and that our teams feel free to always ask if in doubt about anything
Is there a uniform?
Riders are required to follow the ATGATT principle while riding for LRBB. Ideally clothing should be black along with a light coloured helmet. All clothing/helmets must be of professional apperance,
When on group activities we expect our team to present a smart and suitably “professional” image for the event they are attending. Group polo shirts should always be worn along with suitable clothing for the event itself.
Some events may need smarter clothing than others but our key aim is that our group volunteers when “on duty” portray a respectable image.
How much time would i need to give?
We expect our group members to be actively involved and appreciate for some this will be very regular involvment and for others less so.
However, we expect all our group to play an active part in our fund raising events and be willing to join at events and help fill the rota as needed. Typically it will mean joining a fund raising event for a morning or afternoon (or both if you would like) every 2 to 3 months.
Do riders only work at night?
No we also have weekend day shifts. From Monday to Thursday we have 12 hour night shifts from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am. At weekends we cover from 7:00 pm Friday to 7:00 am Monday (or till Tuesday if it is a bank holiday). The weekend is split into 12 hour night shifts and day shifts.
Are there other ways people can volunteer to help apart from riding?
Yes, our team includes many people who are not riders. We have people who help us with fundraising and publicity activities etc. Fundraising is a really important part of what we do as without the funds we wouldn’t be able to keep running. If you have a talent or skill you think could be of benefit to us, or can spare a few hours a month to help us fund raise please let us know.
Controllers, who receive the requests for collections for the hospitals and liaise with the duty riders and drivers. You can also carry out this vital role from your home base!
Do the volunteers receive any pay or remuneration?
No, all of the group, including committee roles, are volunteers and give their time for free.
How can I help?
We provide our services to the hospitals for free, so we rely 100% on donations from the public, from charitable groups and on company sponsorship to fund our work. Financial donations and sponsorship are therefore always very welcome.
If you would like to find out more about fundraising please contact us via fundraising@lrbloodbikes.org.uk
If you’d like to find out more about volunteering please Contact Us
If you would like to become a supporter please contact supporters@lrbloodbikes.org.uk